Professional Development Webinars and Book Studies
Access our recordings to use for yourself, and your staff or to lead your own professional development days. Access to the recordings will be sent directly from the ELEA office following your registration. We ask that you do not share the link to any recordings you receive beyond what they are purchased for. Please contact the ELEA office at info@elcaschools.org with any questions or concerns.
Current Offerings:
Book Study and Discussion
- Last Child in the Woods - Saving our Children from Nature-Deficit Disorder. (6 videos, approx. 8.5 hrs, resources linked)
- The Hidden in Plain Sight: Recognizing and Responding to Trauma (MIC, 1 hr)
- Are You Leading or Managing? (MIC, 1hr 10 min)
- The Welcoming Classroom: Best Practices for Non-Binary Students (MIC, 1 hr 10 min)
- I Love My Job But It's Killing Me (Keynote MIC, 50min)
- Understanding Church and School Ministries as One Entity (MIC, 1hr 2min)
- Connecting Church and School Through Chapel Time (MIC, 1hr 2min)
- The Magic of Building Meaningful Relationships (Keynote MIC, 52min)
Professional Development Webinars and...
Date and Time
Sunday Dec 1, 2024
YouTube Link - Resources are linked in videos where available
Member and non-member pricing is available. View pricing during registration.