Faith-Filled Explorations: Planting Seeds of Prayer in Tender Hearts
Join author, teacher, and former children’s ministry director, Laura Sassi as she shares tips to help Christian educators and parents nurture a next generation that thrives on turning to God in prayer—anytime and anywhere! The program will include ideas for ways to incorporate prayer into the rhythm of daily classroom instruction and chapel, ways to encourage parents and children to pray on their own, creative ideas for teaching children that there are different kinds of prayers (i.e. petition, praise, confession, lamentation etc.) and that God loves when we come to Him in all circumstances. Also included will be follow-up resources such as a 30-day prayer challenge designed for little ones and their parents (based on her book My Tender Heart Prayer Book) and a list of recommended prayer-themed books and websites.
About the author: Laura Sassi has been a teacher, homeschool mom, children’s ministry director and more, but her passion is for telling stories in rhyme and prose. She is the author of multiple books for young children including the best-selling Goodnight, Ark, which was a 2015 Christian Book Award Finalist; Goodnight, Manger; Love Is Kind, Little Ewe, Bunny Finds Easter, Happy Birthday Christmas Child and her three newest, My Tender Heart Bible, My Tender Heart Prayer Book and My Tender Heart Devotions. She lives in Cranford with her husband, two almost-grown children and an adorable cockapoo named Sophie.

Date and Time
Thursday Oct 10, 2024
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM CDT
October 10th, 2024 at 2 PM Eastern / 11 AM Pacific.
This will be a Zoom event. The link will be attached to your registration confirmation.
Free for members
$10 for non-members